Upcoming Area Events
Calendar Guidelines:
Tourism-related events in Moore County, as well as select events outside the county (at the discretion of the Pinehurst, Southern Pines, Aberdeen Area CVB), may be listed for free in the Calendar of Events. Only events deemed by the CVB to be of interest to visitors to Moore County will be included. The CVB reserves the right to determine eligibility for inclusion on HomeofGolf.com, prioritizing events likely to generate overnight lodging stays. The website is not intended to function as a community calendar for events primarily geared toward local residents.
If your event meets the guidelines above and you’d like to add it to our Calendar of Events, please email mmcdonald@homeofgolf.com

Meet the Author, Betsy Hester
February 21 @ 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Twenty-One Boxes: Robin’s Story and the Tragedy of the Edenton Seven is the story of the 1989 Little Rascals Day Care scandal in Edenton, NC. Told through the eyes of defendant Robin Byrum Couto. In this book, Betsy shares insights from legal and medical experts and reveals the facts from twenty-one boxes and bound testimonies from the courtroom long since buried away. Intertwined with the case history is Robin’s never-before-told story of her harrowing journey through the court system. Finally, this book serves as a modern-day warning about the danger of mass hysteria and the consequences of a judicial system that blindly refused to hear and seek the truth.
Free and open to the public.