Upcoming Area Events
Calendar Guidelines:
Tourism-related events in Moore County, as well as select events outside the county (at the discretion of the Pinehurst, Southern Pines, Aberdeen Area CVB), may be listed for free in the Calendar of Events. Only events deemed by the CVB to be of interest to visitors to Moore County will be included. The CVB reserves the right to determine eligibility for inclusion on HomeofGolf.com, prioritizing events likely to generate overnight lodging stays. The website is not intended to function as a community calendar for events primarily geared toward local residents.
If your event meets the guidelines above and you’d like to add it to our Calendar of Events, please email mmcdonald@homeofgolf.com

Writer-In-Residence Reading: John Amen
March 13 @ 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
John Amen is the author of five collections of poetry, including Illusion of an Overwhelm, finalist for the 2018 Brockman-Campbell Award. He was the recipient of the 2021 Jack Grapes Poetry Prize. His work has appeared recently in Rattle, Prairie Schooner, RHINO, and American Literary Review. He founded and continues to edit the Pedestal Magazine.
Free and open to the public.