Ryan Olufs with ostriches

Misty Morning Ranch

In 2015, we left Los Angeles and headed to North Carolina. We had decided we wanted to purchase a home with about 10 acres. As we were looking for property, we came across a family farm with 60 acres within our budget. We thought it was too much land and kept looking, but we didn’t find anything we liked, and that 60 acre farm just felt right. We ended up buying it and started researching different livestock. Within our research, we also started learning more about sustainability. That’s when Ryan remembered an idea his grandfather had when Ryan was much younger – ostriches. We began doing our research on not only sustainability, but the health benefits of ostrich meat. We visited a nearby farm to learn more, and we loved it. We spent the next 6 months learning everything from fencing to feeding. After that 6 month period, we got our first pair of ostriches. We are very excited to share everything we’ve learned about ostrich meat with as many people as possible and show them there is a healthier alternative to red meat.

Farmers Market in Carthage

Farmers Market! This market will be open every Friday 2pm-6pm on South Ray St in Carthage in the parking lot across from the post office. If you are interested in becoming a vendor to sell your products at this market, send us a message or email at carthagencfarmersmarket@gmail.com

Walthour-Moss Foundation 

magine a woodland where time has stood still and where nature is protected and will never fall victim to bulldozers and concrete. Imagine a place where the environment is preserved and exists as a sanctuary for wildlife and enjoyment for mankind. Such a paradise exists today.